Happy New Year!

I may have messed up the dates for the holiday in my last news summary. Nevertheless, here we are ready to tackle to the new year, or at least continue as before. It looks like several MacAdmins used the time between the holidays to catch up on some writing.

Apple published the second beta for macOS 14.3 and iOS 17.3 and quickly pulled the iOS beta again, because there were reports of it bricking devices (you can save the device by reviving with iOS 17.3b1 with Apple Configurator)

As I have mentioned before, TinyLetter, the service I have been using to send the news summary for nearly 300 issues, will shut down at the end of February. After some research and a testing, I have chosen to use Curated going forward. I have been cross-posting the last few issues there already, if you want to see how it looks. If you want, you can already subscribe there.

There are a few more things to sort out, but if all works out, I will move the subscriber list and MacAdmins.news before the end of this month. You shouldn't have to do anything about this. But the appearance of both the email and the website will change, as will the sender of the email and the RSS feed. So, I believe a heads-up is warranted. I will give another heads-up for the exact date of the switch everything is ready.

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